Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. In Hinduism, it also refers to one of the six orthodox (āstika) schools of Hindu philosophy, and to the goal toward which that school directs its practices. In Jainism, it refers to the sum total of all activities—mental, verbal and physical. Tours in India operates yoga tours also.
Yoga is a discipline to improve or develop one’s inherent powers in a balance 3d manner. It offers the means to reach complete self-realization. The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word Yoga is ‘Yoke’. Accordingly, Yoga can be defined as a means for uniting the individual spirit with the universal spirit of God. According to Maharishi Patanjali Yoga is the suppression of modifications of the mind.
Yoga, a universal practical discipline: Yoga is universal in character for practice and application irrespective of culture, nationality, race, a caste of creed, sex age, and physical condition. It is a practical discipline. Neither by reading the texts nor talking about it nor by wearing the garb of an ascetic one can become an accomplished Yogi. Without practice, there is neither experience of the utility of Yogic techniques nor realization of their inherent potential. Only, regular practice (sadhana) creates a pattern in the body and mind.
Tours in India provide you with the best yoga package available in Kerala. We have a good team of yoga practitioners with us and have a good connection with all the major yoga centers around Kerala. We also provide certified courses for the yoga practitioners being an added benefit.
Raja Yogs popularly known as “Ashtanga Yoga” is for all-round development of human personality. These are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhanya and Samadhi.
Bhakti Yoga is a system of intense devotion with emphasis on complete surrender to divine will. The true follower of Bhakti Yoga is free form egoism, humble and unaffected by the dualities of the world.
Teaches us to perform all actions without having any desire for their fruit. In this sadhana, a Yogi consider his duty as divine action, perform it with wholehearted dedication but shuns away from all desires.
To concentrate one’s mind on the divine name or holy syllable, mantra etc. like ‘OM’, ‘Rama’, ‘Allah’, ‘God’, ‘Vahe Guru’ etc. through repeated recitation on remembrance.
Teaches us to discriminate between the self and non-self and to acquire the knowledge of one’s spiritual entity through the study of scriptures, the company of Saints and practice of medita
Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. In Hinduism, it also refers to one of the six orthodox (āstika) schools of Hindu philosophy, and to the goal toward which that school directs its practices. In Jainism, it refers to the sum total of all activities—mental, verbal and physical. Tours in India operates yoga tours also.
Yoga is a discipline to improve or develop one’s inherent powers in a balance 3d manner. It offers the means to reach complete self-realization. The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word Yoga is ‘Yoke’. Accordingly, Yoga can be defined as a means for uniting the individual spirit with the universal spirit of God. According to Maharishi Patanjali Yoga is the suppression of modifications of the mind.
Yoga, a universal practical discipline: Yoga is universal in character for practice and application irrespective of culture, nationality, race, a caste of creed, sex age, and physical condition. It is a practical discipline. Neither by reading the texts nor talking about it nor by wearing the garb of an ascetic one can become an accomplished Yogi. Without practice, there is neither experience of the utility of Yogic techniques nor realization of their inherent potential. Only, regular practice (sadhana) creates a pattern in the body and mind.
Tours in India provide you with the best yoga package available in Kerala. We have a good team of yoga practitioners with us and have a good connection with all the major yoga centers around Kerala. We also provide certified courses for the yoga practitioners being an added benefit.
Raja Yogs popularly known as “Ashtanga Yoga” is for all-round development of human personality. These are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhanya and Samadhi.
Bhakti Yoga is a system of intense devotion with emphasis on complete surrender to divine will. The true follower of Bhakti Yoga is free form egoism, humble and unaffected by the dualities of the world.
Teaches us to perform all actions without having any desire for their fruit. In this sadhana, a Yogi consider his duty as divine action, perform it with wholehearted dedication but shuns away from all desires.
To concentrate one’s mind on the divine name or holy syllable, mantra etc. like ‘OM’, ‘Rama’, ‘Allah’, ‘God’, ‘Vahe Guru’ etc. through repeated recitation on remembrance.
Teaches us to discriminate between the self and non-self and to acquire the knowledge of one’s spiritual entity through the study of scriptures, the company of Saints and practice of meditation.